IPPW 2021
EDL Technology and Science and Instrumentation
Tuesday, July 20th 2021
Science instruments and the underlying entry system technologies work together to make planetary explorations missions succeed. Scientific experiments in space exploration typically involve the development of instrument concepts and ideas through experiments and field campaigns. Probe missions to a planetary body with an atmosphere involve aerodynamically decelerating the probe using entry technologies, while descent and landing technologies are used to dissipate the remaining kinetic energy after the entry phase and to reach the final target. Probe and lander missions to planetary bodies without atmospheres require propulsion and autonomous landing technologies. This session is focused on the technologies of these EDL phases and discussions of instrument concepts, hardware, and field experiments aimed at demonstrating and developing scientific investigations for planetary exploration. Priority will be given to technologies or instrumentation geared towards in-situ measurements such as landers, probes, or aerial platforms.
Session Coordinators:
Alan Cassell (NASA-Ames), Aaron Stehura (JPL), Al Witkowski (Katabasis Aerospace, LLC), Thomas West (NASA-Langley), Julia Kowalski (Rwth Aachen)
Poster Session Coordinators:
Manuel Dominguez (UPC), Jacob Izraelavitz (JPL), Clara O'Farrell (JPL), Lin Li (NASA Langley)
Click Here to Register for the Session
Virtual Workshop Program (Tuesday, July 20th 2021)